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Why us?

The conservation district has been organized for the special purpose of assisting landowners and land users in solving soil and water resource problems, setting priorities for conservation work to be accomplished and coordinating the federal, state and local resources to carry out these programs.

The Franklin County Conservation District is a non-profit organization that was organized June 2, 1947 under Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 262. The Conservation District is a subdivision of State Government and is funded primarily by the Franklin County Fiscal Court in the form of a millage tax. The Conservation District is operated by a locally elected seven member board.


Franklin County Conservation District

Board of Supervisors

Todd Akers (Chair), Steve Coleman (V. Chair), Susan Wise (Sec/Tr), Mike Johnson, Eddie Harrod, John Mucci, and Charlotte Quarles.

Kentucky's Conservation Partnership:

Each county in Kentucky is represented by a local conservation district, consisting of seven elected supervisors. These conservation districts assist the landowners in each county with creating and implementing practices to protect the soil and water quality. The conservation districts help conserve Kentucky's resources by helping local people match their needs with technical and financial resources.

Kentucky has 121 local conservation districts, organized under Chapter 262 of Kentucky's Revised Statutes, which have a responsibility to coordinate assistance from all available sources--public, private, local, state and federal in an effort to develop locally driven solutions to natural resource concerns.

The Conservation District is funded by local, state, federal government, whereas Natural Resources Conservation Service is a Federal U.S. Department of Agriculture agency. Each provide different programs, but we partner together to provide service for the Franklin County agriculture community.

Other important partners that assist or support the conservation district are Franklin County Fiscal Court, Franklin Co. Road Department, Franklin Co. Solid Waste Management, Franklin Co P.V.A. Office, Kentucky State University, KY Department for Fish & Wildlife Resources, UK Cooperative Extension Service, KY Division of Conservation, KY Division of Forestry, and many other groups. Thanks!

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